Simple techniques for RV water pump care

RV Water Pump Care: Simple Techniques to Maintain

Maintaining your RV water pump is essential for keeping your water system running smoothly. By following these simple techniques for RV water pump care, you can ensure that your pump stays in good condition and avoids any potential issues. Troubleshooting the pump is easy and can be done with some basic knowledge and hands-on ability. Regular maintenance and inspections are necessary to prevent problems and extend the life of your RV water pump.

Key Takeaways:

  • Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial for the proper functioning of your RV water pump.
  • Cleaning the strainer and sanitizing the water system are essential tasks for maintaining optimal performance.
  • Winterizing the water pump is important to protect it from freezing temperatures.
  • Preventive maintenance can help extend the life of your RV water pump.
  • Regularly inspect your water pump for leaks, abnormal noise, and proper pressure.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you’re facing problems with your RV water pump, troubleshooting is the first step to identifying and resolving the issue. Here are some common problems that RV owners often encounter:

  • The pump not starting or blowing a circuit
  • Noisy or rough operation
  • Leaks from the pump head or switch
  • Rapid cycling
  • The pump not shutting off or running when the faucet is closed

Don’t worry, though, because troubleshooting these issues is easier than you might think. SHURflo, the leading manufacturer of RV water pumps, provides a helpful guide with troubleshooting steps to quickly diagnose and fix these types of problems.

“If your RV water pump is not starting or blowing a circuit, check the power source and connections. It’s possible that there’s a loose or faulty connection. If the pump is noisy or rough in operation, inspect the pump head for any obstructions and ensure that it’s properly lubricated. Leaks from the pump head or switch might indicate a damaged seal or gasket, which can be replaced. Rapid cycling could be caused by a faulty pressure switch or a water leak in the system. Lastly, if the pump doesn’t shut off or runs when the faucet is closed, there may be a problem with the pressure switch or check valve.”

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly identify the root cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to fix your RV water pump.

Proper Power Source

When troubleshooting your RV water pump, it’s important to ensure that it’s receiving the proper power source. Check the fuse or circuit breaker to make sure it hasn’t blown or tripped. Additionally, inspect the connections to ensure they are secure. Loose or faulty connections can prevent the pump from starting or cause it to blow a circuit.

Inspecting the Pump Head

If your RV water pump is noisy or rough in operation, the pump head may be obstructed or in need of lubrication. Inspect the pump head and remove any debris that may be blocking the flow of water. Additionally, check the pump head for signs of wear and tear. Lubricate the pump head according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure smooth operation.

Dealing with Leaks

Leaks from the pump head or switch can indicate a damaged seal or gasket. Carefully inspect these areas and look for any signs of wear or damage. If a seal or gasket is compromised, it will need to be replaced. Be sure to use the correct replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer to ensure a proper fit and prevent further leaks.

Tackling Rapid Cycling

Rapid cycling, where the pump turns on and off frequently, can be caused by a faulty pressure switch or a water leak in the system. Check the pressure switch to ensure it is functioning properly. If the pressure switch is faulty, it may need to be replaced. Additionally, inspect the entire water system for any leaks and address them promptly to prevent rapid cycling.

Fixing Issues with Pump Shut-off

If your RV water pump doesn’t shut off or continues running when the faucet is closed, there may be a problem with the pressure switch or check valve. Inspect these components for any signs of wear or damage. If necessary, replace the pressure switch or check valve to restore proper pump shut-off.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively diagnose and resolve common issues with your RV water pump. Remember to consult the manufacturer’s manual or contact customer support for further assistance if needed.

Maintaining the Water Pump

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your RV water pump in optimal condition. By following these effective tips for RV water pump maintenance, you can ensure reliable performance and prevent costly repairs.

Cleaning the Strainer

One of the key maintenance tasks for your RV water pump is cleaning the strainer. The strainer is responsible for filtering out debris from the water tank, ensuring a steady flow of clean water. To clean the strainer:

  1. Turn off the water pump and shut off the water supply to your RV.
  2. Open a faucet to relieve the water pressure.
  3. Disconnect the water line going to the strainer.
  4. Remove the strainer and clean the screen thoroughly.
  5. Reassemble the strainer and reconnect the water line.

Regularly cleaning the strainer will prevent clogs and maintain proper water flow throughout your RV system.

Sanitizing the Water System

Sanitizing the freshwater system, including the water pump, is crucial for preventing contamination and maintaining optimal performance. It is recommended to sanitize your water system before storing your RV and after a period of storage. Follow these steps to sanitize your water system:

  1. Prepare a sanitizing solution by mixing 1/4 cup of household bleach with 1 gallon of water.
  2. Pour the solution into the freshwater holding tank.
  3. Turn on the water pump and open all faucets, including hot and cold water.
  4. Let the solution run through the system, ensuring all faucets and fixtures are flushed.
  5. Allow the solution to sit in the system for at least 12 hours.
  6. Drain the system by opening all faucets and flushing with clean water.
  7. Refill the freshwater tank with clean water.

Sanitizing the water system will eliminate bacteria and ensure that your RV’s water is safe and fresh.

Remember, proper maintenance and care are essential for keeping your RV water pump operating smoothly. By regularly cleaning the strainer and sanitizing the water system, you can extend the life of your RV water pump and enjoy a consistent flow of clean water during your travels.

Winterizing the Water Pump

Winter maintenance for RV water pumps is crucial to protect them from freezing temperatures. Failure to winterize the water pump can result in severe damage to the plumbing and the pump itself. To ensure the longevity of your RV water pump, follow these essential steps for winterizing:

  • First, turn off the water pump and disconnect it from the power source.
  • Next, drain all the water from the pump and plumbing system. This can be done by opening all faucets, including hot and cold water taps, and allowing the water to drain completely.
  • Once the water is drained, use compressed air to purge any remaining water from the system. Attach the air compressor to the water inlet and open each faucet one at a time until no more water comes out.
  • It is vital to use a nontoxic antifreeze specifically designed for RV water systems. Without diluting the antifreeze, pour it into all the drains, toilets, and sinks to ensure complete protection of the plumbing system.
  • Finally, consult your RV’s owner’s manual for any specific instructions or recommendations for winterizing the water pump.

By following these winter maintenance steps for your RV water pump, you can rest assured that it will be protected from freezing temperatures and ready for use when spring arrives.

RV water pump winterization

Cleaning the Water Pump Strainer

Cleaning the water pump strainer is a simple but important task for maintaining the water pump’s performance. Most water pumps come with an attached filter to prevent debris from entering the pump. It is recommended to clean the strainer screen periodically to ensure proper water flow.

To clean the strainer, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the water pump and any water supply to the RV.
  2. Relieve water pressure by opening a faucet.
  3. Disconnect the water line going to the strainer.
  4. Remove the strainer from the pump.
  5. Clean the strainer screen by rinsing it with water.
  6. Reassemble the strainer and reconnect the water line.

Regularly cleaning the strainer will help maintain the water pump’s efficiency and prevent clogs caused by accumulated debris. By following these simple steps, you can ensure a smooth and uninterrupted water flow in your RV.

Importance of Sanitizing the Water System

Sanitizing the RV water system, including the water pump, is crucial for maintaining clean and safe water. Widerbourne, a leading RV water pump manufacturer, states that a lack of sanitizing is the main cause of premature pump failure and poor performance. By regularly sanitizing the water system in your RV, you can ensure that the water you use for drinking, cooking, and cleaning is free from harmful bacteria and contaminants.

But what exactly are the benefits of sanitizing the RV water system? Firstly, it helps to remove any bacteria, algae, or mold that may have accumulated in the water tank or water lines. These microorganisms can cause foul odors, bad taste, and can even pose a health risk if ingested. Sanitizing the water system eliminates these issues and ensures that you have fresh, clean water every time you use it.

Secondly, sanitizing the water system improves the performance of the RV water pump. Over time, mineral deposits and sediments can build up in the pump, causing it to work harder and potentially leading to clogs or pump failure. By sanitizing the water system, you can prevent these issues and extend the lifespan of your RV water pump.

So, how do you go about sanitizing the water system in an RV? The process is relatively simple and can be done using household bleach or a specialized water system sanitizer like Purogene. Both methods work effectively to kill bacteria and sanitize the system. If using bleach, it’s important to dilute it properly and flush the system thoroughly to remove any residual chlorine taste or smell.

To sanitize the RV water system using bleach:

  1. Start by draining all the water from the system, including the water tank and all the faucets.
  2. Mix a solution of 1/4 cup of bleach for every 15 gallons of water your tank holds. Use a funnel to pour the bleach solution into the water tank.
  3. Fill the tank with fresh water until it’s full.
  4. Turn on all the faucets in your RV, including the shower and any external faucets, to allow the diluted bleach solution to run through the entire water system.
  5. Let the bleach solution sit in the system for at least 12 hours. This will give it enough time to kill any bacteria or contaminants.
  6. After the waiting period, drain all the water from the system once again, making sure to flush the system thoroughly until there is no smell or taste of bleach remaining.
  7. Refill the water tank with fresh water and run it through the faucets to ensure the system is completely flushed.

It’s important to note that sanitizing the water system should be done before storing the RV and after a period of storage. This will help maintain the cleanliness of the system and prevent any bacterial growth during periods of inactivity.

Regularly sanitizing the water system in an RV is essential for ensuring clean, safe water and maintaining the performance of the water pump. By following the proper sanitizing procedures, you can enjoy your RV adventures with confidence, knowing that your water system is in tip-top shape.

RV water system sanitizing

Preventive Maintenance for RV Water Pumps

Preventive maintenance plays a crucial role in extending the life of your RV water pump. By implementing regular inspections and cleaning of the strainer, you can prevent clogs and debris buildup that can hinder its performance. Additionally, keeping the water system sanitized is vital for optimal pump operation.

One of the important steps in preventive maintenance is checking for leaks, abnormal noise, and proper pressure. By addressing any issues promptly, you can prevent further damage to the pump and ensure its efficient functioning. Regular maintenance not only improves the longevity of your RV water pump but also saves you from costly repairs or replacements down the line.

To provide you with a comprehensive overview of preventive maintenance for RV water pumps, here are some essential tips to extend the life of your pump:

  1. Clean the strainer regularly to prevent clogs and debris buildup.
  2. Sanitize the water system, including the water pump, before storing and after a period of storage.
  3. Check for leaks, abnormal noise, and proper pressure during regular inspections.
  4. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your RV water pump operates efficiently and lasts longer, providing you with a reliable water supply during your travels.

Benefits of Preventive Maintenance for RV Water Pumps
1. Extends the life of the RV water pump
2. Prevents clogs and debris buildup
3. Ensures optimal pump performance
4. Saves from costly repairs or replacements

Tips for Extending the Life of Your RV Water Pump

Regular maintenance is essential for maintaining a functional and reliable water system in your RV. Here are some additional tips to help you extend the life of your RV water pump:

  • Inspect the pump’s connections, hardware, and valves for any potential issues.
  • Keep the water supply clean and free from contaminants to prevent damage to the pump.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for winterizing your RV water pump to protect it from freezing temperatures.
  • Avoid running the pump dry as it can cause damage to the pump’s motor.

By incorporating these tips into your regular RV maintenance routine, you can ensure that your water pump operates smoothly and efficiently, providing you with a reliable water supply wherever your adventures take you.

Importance of Proper Winterization

Proper winterization is of utmost importance when it comes to protecting your RV water pump from the damaging effects of freezing temperatures. Neglecting to winterize the water pump can lead to serious issues that can not only disrupt your camping trips but also result in costly repairs or even the need to replace the entire pump.

One key aspect of winterization is using nontoxic antifreeze specifically designed for RV water systems. This ensures that the antifreeze won’t contaminate your water supply and remains safe for use. It is crucial to follow the recommended procedures provided by the manufacturer to ensure effective winterization.

Some RV owners also opt to use compressed air to remove any remaining water from the pump and plumbing. This additional step helps minimize the risk of residual water freezing and causing damage. When done properly, winterizing your RV water pump can significantly prolong its lifespan and help maintain optimal performance.

The Benefits of Proper Winterization:

  • Prevents freezing and damage: Winterizing your RV water pump prevents freezing, which can lead to cracks, leaks, and costly repairs. By taking the necessary steps to protect your pump, you can avoid these issues and ensure it functions properly when warmer temperatures return.
  • Preserves the plumbing system: Proper winterization safeguards the entire RV plumbing system, including pipes, faucets, and tanks. By preventing freezing and subsequent pipe bursts, you can avoid the need for extensive repairs or even replacement.
  • Maintains the water pump’s efficiency: Winterizing helps preserve the efficiency of your RV water pump. By removing any remaining water and protecting the pump from freezing, you ensure that it continues to operate optimally, delivering a consistent water flow when needed.

How to Properly Winterize Your RV Water Pump:

  1. Drain the water system: Start by draining all water tanks, including the fresh water, gray water, and black water tanks.
  2. Flush the system: Use a tank flushing product to clean out any remaining debris or sediment from the various water tanks.
  3. Disconnect water sources: Disconnect any external water sources, such as city water connections or garden hoses.
  4. Bypass the water heater: If your RV has a water heater, make sure to switch it to the bypass mode to prevent antifreeze from filling it.
  5. Add antifreeze: Use a nontoxic antifreeze designed for RV water systems and pump it into the water lines, faucets, and toilets until the antifreeze flows out. This ensures that the entire system is protected.
  6. Empty the water pump: After adding antifreeze, turn on the faucets, one by one, until the antifreeze runs through them. This will ensure that the water pump is completely empty and protected from freezing.

By following these winterization steps and prioritizing the proper care of your RV water pump, you can enjoy worry-free camping adventures even during the coldest months. Don’t let freezing temperatures disrupt your water supply or damage your plumbing system. Take the necessary precautions to winterize your RV water pump and enjoy a stress-free camping experience.

Importance of Regular Inspection

Regular inspection of your RV water pump is vital for maintaining its optimal performance and preventing potential damage. By conducting routine inspections, you can catch any issues early on and address them promptly, ensuring the longevity and reliability of your RV water pump.

During the inspection, it is recommended to check for leaks, abnormal noise, and proper pressure. Leaks can indicate faulty connections or worn-out components, while abnormal noise may suggest mechanical problems. Checking the pressure ensures that the pump is delivering water at the appropriate rate. These checks help identify any abnormalities that may affect the pump’s functionality.

In addition to leaks, noises, and pressure, it’s essential to inspect the pump’s connections, hardware, and valves. Loose or corroded connections can cause leaks and affect overall performance. Checking the hardware ensures that everything is securely in place, minimizing the risk of malfunctions. Assessing the valves helps ensure they are functioning correctly, allowing for proper water flow and preventing any blockages.

By conducting regular inspections and addressing any issues promptly, you can maintain the proper functioning of your RV water pump, preventing costly repairs and ensuring a consistent water supply during your travels.


Proper maintenance and care of your RV water pump are essential for maintaining a functional and reliable water system. By following the simple techniques discussed in this article, you can easily maintain your RV water pump and avoid costly repairs or replacements.

Remember to regularly clean the strainer to ensure proper water flow. By removing and cleaning the strainer periodically, you can prevent debris from clogging the pump and affecting its performance.

Sanitizing the water system, including the water pump, is crucial for preventing contamination and ensuring clean and safe water. Make sure to sanitize the system before storing your RV and after a period of storage, using a recommended product like Purogene for effective disinfection.

Additionally, winterizing the water pump is vital to protect it from freezing temperatures. Use a nontoxic antifreeze specifically designed for RV water systems, or follow the manufacturer’s recommendations in your vehicle’s owner’s manual.

By taking these steps and performing regular preventive maintenance, you can ensure that your RV water pump operates smoothly and provides you with a consistent flow of water during your travels. So, follow these techniques and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your water system is well-maintained and reliable.


What are some simple techniques for RV water pump care?

Regular maintenance and inspections, cleaning the strainer, sanitizing the water system, and proper winterization are essential for RV water pump care.

How can I troubleshoot common issues with my RV water pump?

Troubleshooting steps include checking for starting issues, noisy operation, leaks, rapid cycling, and failure to shut off. Following the manufacturer’s instructions can help diagnose and fix these problems.

What are some tips for maintaining my RV water pump?

Regular strainer cleaning, sanitizing the water system, checking for leaks and abnormal noise, and proper pressure are important for maintaining your RV water pump.

How do I winterize my RV water pump?

Winterizing involves using nontoxic antifreeze designed for RV water systems and draining the pump or using compressed air to remove water from the plumbing. Consult your RV owner’s manual for specific instructions.

How do I clean the water pump strainer?

Turn off the pump and water supply, relieve water pressure, disconnect the water line to the strainer, remove and clean the strainer screen, then reassemble.

Why is it important to sanitize the water system in my RV?

Sanitizing prevents contamination and improves performance. Lack of sanitizing can lead to premature pump failure and poor water quality. Use a product like Purogene for effective sanitization.

What is preventive maintenance for RV water pumps?

This includes regular inspections, cleaning the strainer, sanitizing the water system, checking for leaks and abnormalities, and ensuring proper pressure for optimal performance and longevity.

Why is proper winterization important for my RV water pump?

Failing to winterize can result in damage to the pump and plumbing due to freezing temperatures. Using nontoxic antifreeze and following manufacturer recommendations is crucial for protecting your RV water pump.

Why is regular inspection important for my RV water pump?

Regular inspections help catch issues early and prevent further damage. Checking for leaks, abnormal noise, and proper pressure ensures the proper functioning of your RV water pump.

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